Surgical Assistance Program

Get assistance with your private clinic cases, from the most basic procedures, as simple
as C-section, to the most advanced specialized procedures.
When you get enrolled in “Surgical Assistance Program”, you will get help and guidance
from our eminent mentors with your cases through in-theater assistance as well as
tailored academic and clinical curriculum.
The Training is a connection between EAST staff and trainees to help them with their
every-day surgical cases. Trainees get the surgical assistance needed with their cases from
professional mentors; professors, consultants and experienced specialists. Trainees will
get the assistance needed with their cases in both basic and advanced procedures.
Gain growing confidence with every case you will be assisted with, till you become the

Who can join?

Certified doctors holding License to practice medicine in Egypt.

Candidates should hold Diploma, M.Sc., M.D., or Egyptian Board in Obstetrics &

Recommended for whom?

Certified doctors holding License to practice medicine in Egypt.

Candidates should hold Diploma, M.Sc., M.D., or Egyptian Board in Obstetrics &

Aim of the program

Help surgeons start and build up their career.

Help crafting the basic surgical skills and knowledge.

Build trust and confidence between surgeons and their patients.

Ensure patients’ safety and maximize their benefit from the medical services.

Duration of program

The trainee will continue in the program as long as his training needs, provided that he complies with program regulations and passes the exam by the end of the curriculum.

The theoretical part will may continue for up to 6-month period. Failure to pass the exam he will end the current program.

The Training Program

The training program will consist of both theoretical and clinical settings.

Trainees should attend the online lectures and complete the curriculum. By the end of the curriculum there will be an exam in which the trainee should pass, or he will have to leave the current program.

Trainees should document all lectures and procedures in the logbook and get it attested by their mentors to be submitted after the exam.

The clinical part is divided into basic, intermediate, and advanced chapters. Every case the trainee will be assisted with should be added to the appropriate chapter in the logbook.

Schema & Evaluation

Mentors will evaluate the trainees to determine their surgical competence and starting point.

The trainee will pass through different levels of assistance in the OR based upon their surgical Competence.

The starting level is determined by the mentor with the first case in each procedure.

By the end of the training program the trainee should be confident enough to perform the procedure with no senior supervision.

Mentors will give trainees formative and summative feedback.

Trainees will be signed off each procedure/chapter after taking mentors approval of performing the surgical procedure with no supervision.

Levels of assistance

Assessment phase.

Trainee 2nd Assistance on table (in advanced cases).

Trainee 1st Assistance on table (in basic & intermediate Cases).

Trainee performs certain steps in the procedure.

Trainee performs the procedure with supervisor scrubbed.

Trainee performs the procedure with supervisor un-scrubbed in theater.


➢ Trainees should accept and comply to all regulations regarding the training.

➢ Mentors has the right to approve, disapprove and chose the hospital.

➢ Trainees from Cairo & Giza Governorates will be directed to the hospitals where they can admit their cases to.

➢ Trainees from other Governorates will be offered monthly schedule where they will meet with mentors at their Governorate.

➢ Trainees should discuss every case with EAST moderators/mentors a few days before the procedure to confirm the preoperative assessment/preparation needed, the choice of the surgical procedure, type of anesthesia, etc….

➢ Mentors can refuse the surgical assistance if patient is compromised, such as in cases of; underequipped hospital, poor preoperative assessment, unindicated cases, etc.…

➢ Trainees must accept mentors’ guidance at any point of the procedure even if asked to leave the field.

➢ Trainees should closely follow the postoperative care of their patients.

➢ Trainees should always follow mentors’ guidance and rules.

➢ Trainees must hold the full responsibility regarding medico-legalities, finance and
administration in front of their patients.

➢ Trainees should always follow hospital rules and regulations.

➢ Trainees must respect their patients’ rights and safety.

Eligibility, Registration & Fees

All doctors who hold permit to practice medicine in Egypt and who hold a post graduate degree are eligible to join the Surgical Assistance Program.

Interested Doctors should fill up the training registration form on E.A.S.T website: Training Registration – E.A.S.T ( They will be soon contacted about the starting date.

Doctors should provide a copy of the required documents before starting the program and sign up the admission papers.

بطاقة الرقم القومي ساريةشهادة التخرجشهادة اخصائي او استشاري
كارنيه النقابة ساريترخيص مزاولة المهنةشهادة حسن سير من النقابة
شهادة اخر درجة علمية

Surgical assistance fees are predetermined, and the trainee will be informed prior to the surgery day. As a general rule assistance fees are calculated as 20 – 40% cut off the known surgeon(trainee) fees for the desired procedure. The fees are determined according to the procedure difficulty and money is transferred to EAST accounts before the surgery date.