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Cervical cervlage:Mcdonald technique

Cervical cerclage is the placement of a suture or tape to support and partially occlude the uterine cervix to reduce the risk of preterm delivery in the face of cervical insufficiency. A number of procedures have been described, but the most common and simplest is the McDonald cerclage, which is described here. Suture Material: Mersilene…

How to perform vertical Mattress Sutures

The vertical mattress stitch, often called vertical Donati stitch, is a suture type used to close skin wounds. The advantages of the vertical mattress suture are that it provides closure for both deep and superficial layers, and also allows perfect eversion and vertical opposition of the superficial skin edges Website URL: https://youtu.be/aKwrhjVd-fg?si=eOEPVfH8zErI27Tx